
Book review: Ask Me About My Uterus - Abby Norman

Ask Me About My Uterus: A Quest to Make Doctors...

Book review: I'm pregnant, not ill, you idiot - Lalita Iyer

The book is a memoir about how the writer...

Taking care of your nipples and breasts during breastfeeding

Most new mothers are prepared for pregnancy to...

What does safe sex really mean

What does safe sex really mean? There is no...

Positions and top tips to make breastfeeding work

Breastfeeding can be extremely challenging for...

How to wean your baby from breastfeeding?

Returning to work after breastfeeding is an...

What products should you buy while breastfeeding?

Most new mums prepare for a new baby by...

How to use a breast pump?

Using a breast pump is a skill that does take...

How can acupuncture help you tackle infertility?

Spotting infertility is child’s play. If you...

Eating your way to a healthier bladder

When my older sister started leaking drops of...

Common toilet behaviours that can lead to pelvic floor dysfunc...

Leaking urine and stool is an epidemic nobody...

Body Dysmorphic Disorder And The Role Of Media

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a serious...

A Breastfeeding and Latching Primer

Congratulations, new mommy!  It feels great to...

The Strange Beauty Standards In The Country That Baffle Me

There are certain norms that the society...

Eating Disorders In Indian Women

Eating disorders (ED) love shame and secrecy....

An "Uplifting" Tale? A Brief History Of The Brassiere

We don’t know who really invented the bra, as...

Struggles Of A Working Woman Trying To Keep Up With Beauty Sta...

Today is a new day but the same old ritual. I...

Choose simplicity. Choose Beauty!

The beauty industry is flourishing. Beauty...

Know Your Product: Sunscreens

Sunscreens are so common that nearly everyone...

Know Your Product: Stretch Mark Removal Creams

Stretch marks are usually caused with a sudden...

Don’t You Apologise: When You Need To Own Your Beauty

‘I’m sorry I ruined your picture. I am just so...

Know Your Product: Hair Removal Creams

Patriarchal beauty standards have led women to...

"Make-up Became Armour": Dealing with Acne

I had my first breakout in 2012, a week after...

Know Your Product: Acne Removal Unguents

Suffering from acne and pimples day in and day...

My relationship with my Facial Hair

I remember it was 2006. I was playing some...
